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Hercules in New York is a 1969 low-budget fantasy adventure film. It was Arnold Schwarzennegger's first movie and is often called one of his worst. Arnold himself regreted appearing in it.


Hercules, at Olympus, berates his father Zeus for not allowing him to leave the gods' abode to adventure on earth. Eventually Zeus sends Hercules, on a beam, to the land of men. After some strange encounters in the air and at sea, Hercules arrives in New York City, where hilarity ensues in the form of enteractions with various New Yorkers, who regard him as physically superior but socially awkward. He meets a skinny little guy called Pretzie. Hercules becomes a successful professional wrestler. Zeus, watching Hercules from the heights, becomes irritated with Hercules' antics, which he feels are making a mockery of the gods, and calls on Mercury to stop Hercules. After Mercury makes an unsuccessful attempt to bring Hercules home, Zeus orders Nemesis to see to it that Hercules is consigned to the infernal regions ruled over by Pluto. However, Juno instead convinces Nemesis to poison Hercules with a poison that would strip him of his divinity and then talk to Pluto. Nemesis informs Pluto of what is happening and he bets a large sum of money against Hercules in an upcoming strongman competition with Hercules' gangster manager. When Hercules loses the strongman competition his friends try to lead off Hercules' angry manager's henchmen, but Hercules follows them them to save them. Meanwhile, Zeus uncovers the truth from Nemesis at to what is happening but only intervenes at the last minute to restore Hercules' divinity, not wanting any son of his to die at the hands of a mortal. Hercules defeats the gangsters and realizes that he has been disobedient and returns to the heavens shortly after, only saying good-bye to Pretzie over a radio after he leaves. In the heavens, Zeus tells Juno and Hercules that he is not going to punish Hercules for his behavior as they ask him about it and then asks to be left alone, and upon their departure, Zues sneaks out of the heavens and decends to earth, scaring a passenger jet on his way down.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Hercules
Ernest Graves Zeus
Arnold Stang Pretzie
Dan Hamilton Mercury
Taina Elg Nemesis
Tanny McDonald Juno
Michael Lipton Pluto



  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was credited as "Arnold Strong 'Mr. Universe'."



Hercules in New York (1970) Trailer.-0
